It is a good idea before you exercise to make sure you have enough energy. That is one reason these so called energy bars you see on the racks at CVS or Walgreens, or at your local grocery store are out there. To get you to buy and consume one of them before your workout.
You see Luna Bars and Power Bars and Kind Bars, and so on.
They are basic supplements that take the form of a candy bar. But they are not candy bars. By no means. They contain so much more than a candy bar.
You are to eat one before a workout. But they are not intended to repair or build your muscle. Just to give you that extra boast.
There is an energy bar,it seems, missing. I haven't seen it anywhere but at my online store.
. It is the Built Bar.
I find it a better taste. It is not as dry. And it is American made.
I use it and find I can seem to exercise longer.
Of course, I could be a bit prejudice. You see, it is an affiliate product of mine. This means when you go and buy it, the company pays me a commission . In other words, they get paid and I share in the sale. It is only fair. I sent you to their site and you purchased on my recommendation.
So, good and click on the link and see.