Friday, September 25, 2015

Good Health And Nutrition Go Together

 It  seem to be the dream of this generation.. well of any generation, to live well for as long as possible. This would mean eating the right foods (Not all fast foods, but home cooked soup and meats and fruits and vegetables) and getting a good supplement formula in us every day.
And not just any old supplement but one geared to our gender. And by gender I mean male and female, not trans or bi.
  I can offer you one for each gender.
  Take a look at this one set aside and formulated for the male.. Each male has a different need than a female. 
  Men have the prostate gland which can cause somewhat of a problem as they age. And there is a vast immune system to keep in good shape. Fight those free radicals that could cause mutations in the cells by turning them into cancer cells. And too much free radicals floating in the body can bring about aging of the skin.
As we look at he female gender we find a formula balanced just right for her needs.  She needs fortification for her reproductive system and her breasts, to name a few differences from the male. And she also needs to reinforce her immune system.
  The next step is yours. Look at and buy the vitamin geared for your gender.
   Good health and nutrition go together.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Your Hair Follicules Will Thank You

  I have come across a topical solution for the scalp that may help in hair regeneration. Your hair follicle can be stimulated to regrow your hair and help you look years younger.
   This is good for females as well as males. Both sexes have thinning hair problems.
    What is good is this is a spray. It is called Provilus which is a brand name for Minoxidal.. It is FDA approved for treatment of hair loss.
     At one time it was used for high blood pressure but it didn't work for that. It had a side effect of hair growth. So it was repackaged and presented as a topical solution for hair growth.
     It is one solution to the balding process which is aging a person prematurely.
     Try it. Let me know how it goes.
     When  you buy it from my site I get paid a commission.  (truth in advertising)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Intestinal Health

Every once in a while we need help in getting our digestive unit working correctly.
  As we age we may find it harder to completely void our bowels.
   I know it is not a pleasant subject to bring up, but it can imporve your health and since it will cut down on inflammation, it can cut down on aging.
    Let me present you with a bowel cleansing product.
    It can also increase your energy and help in water retention problems.
    I know this is a subject best left unsaid.
    It says it also can be used as a weight loss program, but I myself wouldn't want to lose  weight this way.      
  There are other products and plans far less invasive.
   Intestinal health is important. Take a look and let me know if it is what you are looking for.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Help For Your Blood Pressure

 Sometimes we test our blood pressure at the local drug store. Not that the machines there are very accurate. But you do so to get a general trend. And it can  put your mind at ease.
  If the pressure seems a bit high and you feel you should do something about it to help being it down some before having it checked for real at your doctors, use this supplement called Hypercet
 Keep your pressure within normal range. It has a free bottle offer. Try and see it work.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pets Need Vitamins Also

Your pets need vitamins also. They need nutrients to help their body grow and interact with the other nutrients they eat. 
   I contend God has allowed us to have pets to care for and in return they allow us to share the earth with them. To keep them in good health and giving us pleasure, we need to offer them vitamins.
   The Bible tells us we are to have control over the animals of the earth. We are to not so much rule as to care for.
  Good nutrition is important. In order to have the assurance of good nutrition we should see that our pets get their daily intake. And part of that assurance would be in the dispensing of vitamins.