Thursday, July 11, 2013

Exercise and Obesity

     I read in this morning LA Times that exercise may be up  . This is along with the fact that obesity is going up also. And they are scratching their heads. Exercise is supposed to burn those extra calories that add up to obesity.
      Doing extra exercise is good. In fact I use did have an exercise website but it is no more. But I do have a vitamin site and a blog that hooks to it. In fact the blog discusses in less than 200 words each a use for or the benefits of the vitamin. 
       To me it is simple why there is exercise yet still obesity. We are a trash food people. We tend to stop at fast food restaurants like Jack In The Box ,Windy's and Taco Bell. The food there is high in sodium ( which could give us high blood pressure) and extra carbohydrates which will just turn to fat cells and contribute to obesity.
       No matter how much exercise we manage to do we don't burn off enough calories and fat reserve.
       By stopping at those trash-- excuse me-- fast food places we fill our stomachs but lower our nutritional reserve.
       For exercise we should walk more and run more. We can also ride our bikes more.        Or even, if we are into sweating more, use weights.

         What ever you do get those extra pounds off that lead to obesity

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