Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Venus Factor Is True

Ladies, let me ask you. Are you satisfied with the pounds you are now? Or do you wish to lose some weight and look good?
  I are not being insulting. I know that there are cases where the woman loses pounds and puts it back ion. A yo-yo effect sets in..
  Let us face it. The male body and the female body are different in the way they handle weight. Men may be able to get it off and keep it off easier. But it is possible, as you will see in this presentation, to get rthe weight off and keep it off.
   It is called the Venus Factor. Click on the underlined words Venus factor and go take a look at the presentation. You will be glad you did. And if you have a man in your life, he also will be glad you did.
   Hey, we men are visual animals you can't change us. Don't try.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Age And Inflammation

 As we age it seems our joints and other body parts tend to get a condition of inflammation. We hurt more than we should. We don't really have to.
I am a great fan of trying to keep the body healthy and working as long as possible. This may mean using vitamins and medications. So I recommend nutrition and supplements.
 So I offer you this.   It is an anti-inflammatory supplement.
  We all have to age and so does our body. But we should also take advantage of all the help we have against gross inflammatory pain. Use this body defense against the inflammation. You may be thanking me.
   Please feel free to let me know how it goes. I want to be of service to you.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Do you Need to Help Your Colon?

From time to time our bodies will clog up and we will have trouble in elimination.
  I realize this is a subject that you may not wish to confront. But a properly operating body means a complete program of care for the body.
 So let me ask you. Do you need to help your colon?  Do you need to get rid of thsoe poisons that are in your body and refuse to clear out?
  There is some help that I can offer you. It is a product called Bowtrol. It is a basic colon cleanser.
  True, this is not a product you use every day. But you may need it. And when you need it and have it to use, you will be thankful.
   Take care of your body. You won't get another one.
   And when  you take advantage of my suggestion, let me know so I can rejoice with you.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Help For The Male Flow

Men-- tell me. man to man, is your urinary flow slowing down? Do you sense pain between your testicles when you pee?
Maybe your prostate gland is enlarging and pressing down on your urethra.
You need help for your prostate health. Let me offer you a product called Prostacet. 
 This can provide you with prostate support
 Women, you can let your man know about this.
 So, men, support your prostate health. Look and learn and buy before the offer disappears.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Good Health And Nutrition Go Together

 It  seem to be the dream of this generation.. well of any generation, to live well for as long as possible. This would mean eating the right foods (Not all fast foods, but home cooked soup and meats and fruits and vegetables) and getting a good supplement formula in us every day.
And not just any old supplement but one geared to our gender. And by gender I mean male and female, not trans or bi.
  I can offer you one for each gender.
  Take a look at this one set aside and formulated for the male.. Each male has a different need than a female. 
  Men have the prostate gland which can cause somewhat of a problem as they age. And there is a vast immune system to keep in good shape. Fight those free radicals that could cause mutations in the cells by turning them into cancer cells. And too much free radicals floating in the body can bring about aging of the skin.
As we look at he female gender we find a formula balanced just right for her needs.  She needs fortification for her reproductive system and her breasts, to name a few differences from the male. And she also needs to reinforce her immune system.
  The next step is yours. Look at and buy the vitamin geared for your gender.
   Good health and nutrition go together.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Your Hair Follicules Will Thank You

  I have come across a topical solution for the scalp that may help in hair regeneration. Your hair follicle can be stimulated to regrow your hair and help you look years younger.
   This is good for females as well as males. Both sexes have thinning hair problems.
    What is good is this is a spray. It is called Provilus which is a brand name for Minoxidal.. It is FDA approved for treatment of hair loss.
     At one time it was used for high blood pressure but it didn't work for that. It had a side effect of hair growth. So it was repackaged and presented as a topical solution for hair growth.
     It is one solution to the balding process which is aging a person prematurely.
     Try it. Let me know how it goes.
     When  you buy it from my site I get paid a commission.  (truth in advertising)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Intestinal Health

Every once in a while we need help in getting our digestive unit working correctly.
  As we age we may find it harder to completely void our bowels.
   I know it is not a pleasant subject to bring up, but it can imporve your health and since it will cut down on inflammation, it can cut down on aging.
    Let me present you with a bowel cleansing product.
    It can also increase your energy and help in water retention problems.
    I know this is a subject best left unsaid.
    It says it also can be used as a weight loss program, but I myself wouldn't want to lose  weight this way.      
  There are other products and plans far less invasive.
   Intestinal health is important. Take a look and let me know if it is what you are looking for.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Help For Your Blood Pressure

 Sometimes we test our blood pressure at the local drug store. Not that the machines there are very accurate. But you do so to get a general trend. And it can  put your mind at ease.
  If the pressure seems a bit high and you feel you should do something about it to help being it down some before having it checked for real at your doctors, use this supplement called Hypercet
 Keep your pressure within normal range. It has a free bottle offer. Try and see it work.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pets Need Vitamins Also

Your pets need vitamins also. They need nutrients to help their body grow and interact with the other nutrients they eat. 
   I contend God has allowed us to have pets to care for and in return they allow us to share the earth with them. To keep them in good health and giving us pleasure, we need to offer them vitamins.
   The Bible tells us we are to have control over the animals of the earth. We are to not so much rule as to care for.
  Good nutrition is important. In order to have the assurance of good nutrition we should see that our pets get their daily intake. And part of that assurance would be in the dispensing of vitamins.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Work On Your Hair Folicles

You wake up one morning and look in your mirror. You note you hair is thinning and you appear to be getting a recessive hairline.More skin than hair is showing.
  Yo umay wonder what caused this?  It is not the many times you shampooed  even though you have seen hair follicles in the water when you do so.
   No, it is something that has been passed down to you from your parents.
   But I also believe it has to do with your available vitamin pool.
   You need to fight  back--that is if you want to. Let me suggest you click on this line and you will be given an offer  that you can try.
   As I have said before, if it works and you know others who can be helped with this product, tell
them. If it doesn't work or you don't like it, tell me through leaving a comment.
   But if you really care about your situation, do something. Don't just sit and hope for things to get better.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Those Aching Joints

Our body is a marvelous and wonderful thing. Take care of it with exercise and supplements and good food and it should last you the whole of your life.
   Each moveable part has a joint. The joint is attached with a cushion of cartilage  surrounding the bones so when they move against each other, rubbing, there is a shock absorber effect.
  Over time the cartilage is worn down and the bones rub. This causes aches and pains and arthritis .
  I can offer you a product called Joint Advantage.
  You can work with those aching joints,
   Try it.  See if you like it. See if it works for you.
   If it does, tell others. If it doesn't ,tell me.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Some Supplements Are Necessary

In order to stay in good heath we need proper nutrition. We must be careful want we eat and what we use as supplements. Some supplements are necessary to give the body what it needs.
   Not all of us men are weight lifters. But all as we age need a formula to keep our bodies functioning as it should.
   Weight lifters need a special formula. I am not offering that here. What I do offer is a formula to take care of the aging body, 
   Weight lifters need those extra amino acids which are turned to protein which is needed as the body strives to maintain muscles.
   The vitamin offer I place before you offers a free bottle  and a chance to purchase the supplement to be sent to your door.
   Please feel free to leave me a comment.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Vitamin Store For You

I was checking the stats on this blog page and notice not too many people are landing here. Maybe you are looking for something and feel unsure just what it is you wish,
Vitamins and supplements are the topic of this blog and the links offered here are for you. A good general store is found here. Click on the word nutrients  here and you will be taken to a great place for supplements and nutrients you need.
And please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. In your comment let me know how I can help you and what supplement you feel is missing.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Joints Feel Better Now

My joints feel better now since I started taking something called joint advantage.
  over time my joints were being rubbed down through my repetitive movement. My shoulders started to get arthritis pains. And I when I did my crunches I sensed a rubbing of  joints inside.
  I guess  whatever cushion I had was being worn down. Well, it was possible. Nothing lasts forever.
   So I came across this  offer for a formula called joint advantage  and started taking it.
  I feel so much better now.  I can do my exercises and walk more. I include it i8n my morning routine of nutrition in the morning.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Health And Nutrients Go Together

What we eat is transformed in our bodies into nutrients that we can use. Some of what we put in our bodies is not good for us and don't build up but break down . That is why we must watch what we put in our bodies.
Health and nutrients go together. That is why you find me pushing vitamins and proper nutrients.
Fort some of us it is just no convenient to go out to a store, health, grocery, or drug to buy a bottle or two of the needed supplement.
  Therefore I am offering you the convenience of buying your vitamin online and having it shipped to your house of other place. You can cut down on time you feel is best spent doing something else.
  So just click here and you will be sent to a supplement store where you can find vitamins for your needs..

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Joints- Our Body Has Them

Our body has them. Joints. The shoulder rotates by the use of joints. Our knee caps and our pelvis.
 All through the body. And when they hurt, they hurt.
 The secret is to keep them lubricated.
  There are nutrients that can help. Supplements that will do more than that warm towel applied to the area.
   Our joints don't work right and we aren't moving  much if at all.
   So I can offer joint help.
    It is the cartilage that cushions the joint as it rubs against the other joint and starts to wear down.     
   Age sets in and our joints need the extra help that we can give them through supplementation.
    So I offer you this help for your joints.

Monday, March 2, 2015

We Men Have To Remember Our Health

 As you might already know , we men are hard on ourselves. We work hard and play hard. As such we need a blend of  supplements formulated for our gender.
  I can offer you a special free bottle offer of vitamins, minerals and herbs. If you like what you receive you can choose to continue with the offer.
  Read more about it at the site you link to.
  Yes, How many times can you get something free to try with a promise of customer service?
  We men have to remember our health.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good Health Through Vitamins

 To some extent we all want to stay healthy as we can be for the longest possible time. We know that we are aging but we want to age slowly and in the best way possible.
  If we exercise this will help the blood to be pushed through our veins, into our heart, out of the heart through the blood carrying passages. By arteries through our body. The organs stay in good shape. The brain gets nutrients pumped which are in the blood.
  Which mean we are taking the right supplemnts. We are taking the C, the A, the E the selenium, the zinc, the.. and so on.
   We can find our nutrients through what we eat and the vitamins, minerals and herbs we ingest.
   And we get these supplements from stores around us. Some are even offered online. There is no excuse for not being able to find that place of purchase. Click here for an online store to purchase some.
   So we have exercise and supplements to keep you in good heath and help keep back aging. At least that will be my contention at this point in time.
  I can only take you by the hand so far and after that you are on your own. I can't make you exercise and take the needed steps in taking care of your health. I can only offer you healthy vitamins and supplements.
   I will not promise you when you decide to take care of yourself that you will always be running and leaping and moving without pain. No one can. But what I do offer is good heath through vitamins. Health is in the eyes of the one experiencing it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sometimes We Need Supplements

Most of the time when  we are hungry we seek something to eat without thinking about nutritional benefits. We stop at fast food places or at the corner 7-11 to pick something up to satisfy our hunger.
  We may even spoil dinner.
  The point is sometimes we need supplements. These supplements we would need to provide the missing elemnerts that our bodies need to function in good health.
  We can get them online from a supplement store by clicking here.
   Of course just getting the supplements isn't all you will need to stay healthy Eating right and including fruits and vegetables will help along with the supplements.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Big Choice Of Supplements At My Store

I know not many are coming here much. And that is a shame since I want you so much to be able to get good supplements with minerals and herbs as well as vitamins.
   I haven't posted much here as of late and that is my fault. I have been too busy elsewhere
   I have a store up now that does have the supplementation you have been looking for. It is not a dead site or one that gives you a 404 when you try to read a blog..
    This store can be located by clicking on the words my vitamin store. It has a shopping cart that will work.
    Try it and see. Then let me know how it goes. Let me know what I can do for you.
    Now go conquer the new day.
    There is a big choice of supplements at my store.