Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Hear The World Out There


As we age the world seems to dim in sound. Or maybe it is just that people don't speak up. Or maybe they don't pronounce words as well as  they used to.

Or maybe you need a hearing aid. 

It is not always that other people don't speak up. It is that you are, and I am, starting to war down.

We open a magazine and there we see advertised in bold print a hearing aid for X dollars. We tell ourselves that ad is for my neighbor, not me.  but ask your loved one, do I hear everything you are saying?  Do that only if you are brave enough to listen to the answer. You may not like what the answer is-- if you are not too far gone in the auditory departemnt that you can't hear.

Chances are you have slowly adjusted to your present level that you aaren't aware of how much you have lost.

If you are over 50 chances are you have some lack  you may not be aware of having. As the Bible puts it  the sound of the grinding mill is low.

I would suggest you look in to this.

You use the link and take a look and decide to buy. When you do , since I sent you there, I will get a commission and you will get a great product.

Si here is to better hearing.

Let me know how it goes.

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