Saturday, February 23, 2013

Vitamins and Alzheimer's Disease

   As I talk in this blog about vitamins I just thought it would be nice to reconmend a handbook you can look at and research what you are being asked to take.
  I want to talk about Vitamins and Alzheimer's Disease.
  It is unfortunately a terminal disease and so far there is no cure.
  The brain we have is about three pounds and as we age the brain goes through a process of atrophy. It shrinks.
   This disease starts in the hippocampus region of the brain. This part of the brain is needed for learning and memory. As time goes on  symptoms of Alzheimer's disease become more pronounced.
     This disease is named after a German nueropathologist who is 1906 named it after observing "pre-senile dementia" and postulated it was a different disease than dementia. He postulated that pre-senile dementia occured as the brain deteriorated, but senile dementia was caused by vascular problems.
       We must realize that all communication in the brain depends on the function of neurotransmitters. These are the chemicals that relay signals throughout the brain. The brain uses vitamins supplements to best function. The top three it uses are the B vtamins; Folic Acid, B6 and B12.
       I contend that better nutrition can lead to improved learning and IQ.

   So I would suggest a daily intake of mutivitamins and omega-3 fish oil.
    Omega-3 is an antioxidant and helps fight off the bad free radicals.
   Yes, we do have free radicals in the brain. Free radicals can cause our cells to mutate and rust. When they mutate they may turn into cancer cells.
    Alzheimer's disease is terminal. We can slow it down with nutrition and supplements.
    It is not guaranteed to stop the disease but it can help nourish the brain and maybe slow down and lessen the effects.
    Vitamins and Alzheimer's disease. It is worth the try.

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