Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vitamins and Breakfast

     To start off this post and this blog let me welcome you readers. I am in this post going to be talking about Vitamins and breakfast.
     But first let me inform you that I think supplements to our diet are very important. You may think you get all your nutrients through what you eat. That is not true Even if we eat the best diet there is, the ground it came from has been depleted therough overuse.
      Therefore we need to replace what we have lost. This is why supplementation is important. We need to replace what is not there.
     To start the day right we need to eat breakfast. Don't skip it. The body needs it and especally your brain needs it. It needs more than a cup of coffee and a donut or a piece of toast.
       I start each day with my vitamins and breakfast. Since I have a web site-- a store-- that sells vitamins on line, it would not be wise for me not to take vitamins.
      So I start each morning with my mutivitamins. I take a Spectavite formula sold at the local CVS. As long as the multivitamion contains what you need there is no need to get a well known designer brand. If you were to go to my vitamin shop page for multivitamins you  should find something.
      If you are female there is an aisle on the web site that you can shop in. This page   would do nicely for you.
      I don't just take multivitamins. I also  take extra E- 400 IU to maintain a heathy heart. I take CoQ10 at 200 mg for heartt health and energy production. Extra C is important for me and that comes to an extra 500 mg. This helps in immune health.
    To help with the stress of the day I take a stress formula B complex with Zinc. And it has been advised that I take D3 for my bone health. That is about 2000 IU
     For my joints, since they have to be fed too, I take 1500 mg of Glucosamine. I also take for my Omega 3  boast and for the health of my brain fish oil pills of 1000 mg.

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