Elections. By now you have voted and now the promises start. Not the ones you have had to listen to during the period of time Biden and Trump were struggling to be understood ( You did hear them, didn't you?) and now we need to , who ever gets in, hold their feet to the fire, so to speak, for the next four years.
And we should listen closely and watch even closer to see the outcome of their promises.
And there will be some of us that may not have heard or understood anything they said. And that reason is that we needed a hearing aid.
Now that we have made it through that period of time and are ready to admit we do need that hearing aid, we should consider a well priced ear piece.
No matter who is in for the next four years we need to be able to parse what is being said. And to do so we need a hearing aid that is fit for us and rechargeable. Batteries cost so much and seem to always be running down.
So here is one for you. I offer it to you and when you use the link on the banner and go in and buy one or a pair, I get a commission. I sent you there and you used my link. You used your credit card to purchase.
Please do so before the whole world shuts down in the sound realm.
Both of us will be happy you did.